Exploring the effect of watching cartoons on kids


The Easter weekend just ended and just wondering, how much time did your young ones spend watching tv, or more specifically cartoons? This is because regardless of your child's age, cartoons affect them positively or negatively. Depending on the age and developmental stage of the child, the content of the cartoons, and the amount of time spent watching cartoons, your kid can be affected in various ways, some effects are positive while others unfortunately are negative:

1. Positive effects:

- Cartoons can entertain and educate your children, they can spark their imagination, creativity, and curiosity, and can also teach them about different cultures, history, science, and social skills. Educational cartoons can be beneficial in enhancing cognitive, emotional, and social development in young children.

- Cartoons can contribute to Language and Communication Skills development in children, They expose them to new words, phrases, and expressions, and can help them improve their communication skills and vocabulary. Cartoons with appropriate language and dialogue can promote language learning, reading, and writing skills in children.

- Cartoons can influence the emotional and social development of children. Cartoons that portray positive social interactions, empathy, and moral values can help children learn about emotions, relationships, and social norms.

- Cartoons can also influence your children's behavior and attitudes, they may imitate the behavior of their favorite cartoon characters, including both positive and negative behaviors. Cartoons that portray positive values such as kindness, honesty, and respect can positively impact children's behavior and attitudes.

2. Negative effects:

- Excessive watching of cartoons can have negative effects on children's health and well-being because Sitting for long periods while watching cartoons can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which can increase the risk of obesity and other health problems. Additionally, prolonged glare on the screen whether via television, pcs, tablets or phones can strain the eyes leading to Asthenopia caused by overuse of the eye, It can interfere with children's sleep patterns, Raise your child's risk for attention problems, anxiety, and depression which impact their overall health and well-being.

- Cartoons that promote harmful behaviors, stereotypes, or biased attitudes can negatively influence children's behavior and attitudes toward others.

- Cartoons depicting violence, aggression, or inappropriate behavior can negatively affect children's emotional and social development by desensitizing them to violence, promoting aggressive behavior, or distorting their perception of reality, this is because the children might view what they watch as normal, and will not separate it in real life.

To mitigate the negative influence of cartoons and promote healthy development in your child, parents or caregivers can:

1. Limit screen time: Parents and caregivers should limit the amount of time their children spend watching cartoons by carefully setting a schedule and ensuring adherence to the same, it might also include setting controls on your child’s devices.

2. Encourage extra activities: schedule other indoor or outdoor activities for your children to engage in, such as outdoor play, reading, or arts and crafts. This can help limit screen time and promote healthy development.

3. Talk to your children about the difference between fantasy and reality: Children may have a hard time distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Parents should talk to their children about the difference and explain that some behaviors that are acceptable in cartoons may not be acceptable in real life.
4. Choose appropriate cartoons: Parents should carefully choose the cartoons their children watch. They should look for age-appropriate content that promotes positive behaviors and values.                                
5. Watch with your children: Parents should watch cartoons with their children and discuss the content. This can help parents understand what their children are watching and provide an opportunity to talk about any negative messages or behaviors portrayed in the cartoon.

6. Talk to your children about the difference between fantasy and reality: Children may have a hard time distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Parents should talk to their children about the difference and explain that some behaviors that are acceptable in cartoons may not be acceptable in real life.

Overall, the effects of cartoons on children depend on the content of the cartoons and how much time children spend watching them. Parents must monitor their children's television viewing habits and choose appropriate cartoons promoting positive behaviors and education.

